A few months ago Wrights marquees & Mobile Bars were contacted by the team at Lakeside North Harbour, Portsmouth about providing a monthly mobile bar. The idea was that we would provide the bar on the last Friday of every month to allow all their staff to come and enjoy a drink on payday. Of course we accepted and can say after a few months of being their it has been a huge success and we have loved meeting so many lovely people from some of the great companies based on the campus.

From doing the monthly bar we were contacted by Helistrat who are a UK based contract management partner that delivers sustainable waste management solutions. They wanted us to provide them with one of our mobile bars to help host a corporate event they had this October.
We set up the bar at Lakeside North Harbour and served the staff that attended, all were really friendly and loved the bar. We also worked alongside Chilly White Ice cream and catering who provided some scrummy icecreams for everyone!
Check out the links for all the companies involved:
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